Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm still here!

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA lately, but things have been a bit crazy. I've been in the process of moving to Texas for a few months for work and it's been more of an ordeal than I'd planned. Well, I've made it, I'm actually here in Texas. Yay!

Now for the bad news... I still don't have internet. My internet service provider is down in many parts of Texas because of Hurricane Ike and I'm not able to get service yet. So, I thought, that's okay. I'll just take the laptop somewhere and use wi-fi. LOL, word of caution to everyone, never plan anything in advance :D. My daughter spilled coffee on my laptop and now the keyboard is fried. So, I'm sitting here in Texas with no internet (which isn't a problem now because I don't have a computer to use).

Lucky for me, the apartment complex I'm staying at has an office center with computers for the residents use. Yay! The only problem with that is that there are only 3 computers and most of the time they're full up. Luckily for me, I work the night shift, so when I'm awake, most other people are sleeping ;) . So tonight, at 3 minutes to midnight, I'm coming to you live from the office center of my apartment complex. (And I'm the only one in here at this time!) It's great having the place to myself. At any rate, that is why I've been missing in action and hopefully, things will get settled before my post is due for next week.

Well, there you have it, that's what's been going on in my life lately. I'm having a wonderful time so far in Texas. I love exploring new places and meeting new people. I've already met some wonderful people that I'm enjoying getting to know better. Although, I've certainly missed getting to talk to all of you lately. I'm having withdrawal symptoms, shh, don't tell anyone. ;)

I'd love to hear from you. What's been going on in your life lately? Catch me up! What have I missed? Leave me a comment and let me know how you're doing. See you next week.


4 deadly screams:

Night critter said...

Hi Sierra,

I agree with you, forward planning isn't always a good thing and doesn't necessarily work out the way you intended.

Texas is one of the places on my 'places I want to visit' list. Possibly because I have the whole cowboy and Texas thing in my head, lol.

Nothing exciting in my life at the moment, just work - boring!!!

Enjoy Texas.

Molly Daniels said...

Just a massive case of writer's block over here:) Otherwise, nothing much. I've written 10 sentances in 2 weeks. Blech!

Gracen Miller said...

*tackles you and hugs you* Oh, thank God! I was starting to get worried about you, Sierra!

Not much going on here either, except football and karate. Like Molly, I have the worst case of writer's block. :-( I feel like I'm wandering in a desert and going in circles toward nowhere...I'm so lost I just want to drop in defeat!! *whimpers* My muse has got me in a bad, bad place.

But, on a positive note, I am seriously glad you are okay. *hugs you again for the sheer joy of knowing you are okay* When you get back online, send me an e-mail so we can chitchat a little.


Sierra Wolfe said...

Boy, there must be something in the air. I have a bad case of writers block going on right now too. I was trying to brush it off as being too busy, but frankly, that's just a lie I'm telling myself. I've been blocked for quite a while now and I need to get busy and just do it. Even if what I write is complete crap, I need to get some words on paper.

Hope everyone gets their mojo back soon!