Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week two of Nanowrimo

Well, it's week two, and boy, I am feeling it. Every other day, I've been actually craving going to bed early (midnight). Or even been feeling like my body isn't as well prepared to deal with staying up and writing or mustering up the courage to face life, nano, and the weather change (or whatever else is going on at the moment). I can't let that get in the way of my victory though. I am with Sierra on the pact we made (hooray for submitting to NY at the beginning of next year!), since that is something we really want to happen. (I'm so glad you joined it with us, Gracen! We're the Deadly trio of Vixens. ;)) You don't have to change your name to have an "S" beginning, we love you as you are!)

Anyways, this week with Nano is all about pushing through even when you don't feel like it, and I've really had to do that as much as I've been too sleepy and worn down. On Monday, I could only muster 137 words, then I had to get to bed. Tonight seemed to be going well, but then it took a turn and life got in the way. I'm having to push it back in its boundaries, which it doesn't really like. But I managed to get a decent word count down. As of right now, I have 23,470 words written. Tomorrow will be another day, and I'll get more writing done. Hopefully, I can start climbing out of the pit with a victorious roar and show my word count who is boss. *smiles*

So! The moral of today's story is that you can accomplish your word count goals, or at least, get some writing done each day, even if you're not satisfied with how high that number is. One of my main goals this is, besides from winning with a special number I have in mind, is to write each and every day, which I haven't always done in past Nanos. Also, when life pushes and tries to get in the way, you have to stand up and push back. You can win Nano, you can be a published author, and you can be a multi-published author. It's all about keeping your goals in mind and your priorities set. You can do anything you set your mind to!

So, how are you doing with Nano? Or life in general? What are things you're learning in regards to week two of Nano? I'd love to hear from you! *smiles*

4 deadly screams:

Sierra Wolfe said...

Congrats on your word count. That's great! I understand all about life getting in the way.

As you know, I haven't been able to NaNo this year, but I did do some writing the other day, which I was really proud of. I got over 2500 words down on Monday. Maybe, once things settle down for me a bit, I will actually be able to write LOL.

I'm thrilled that Gracen is going to join us, too! Yay!

Molly Daniels said...

(Hangs head in shame) I'm still trying to crack the 5K count...darn Life getting in the way this year...but at least the kids aren't complaining:)

Gracen Miller said...

Nano! >:( *kicks pretend cat across the room* Does that tell you how it's going? Stinking life keeps getting in the stinking way of Nano writing! My youngest son has adenoid surgery Friday, so I'm scrambling to get the house clean enough for the in-laws to visit. *mutters like a crazy woman to myself*

I'm crossing my fingers that I get to write some tomorrow and Friday after his surgery. *dies laughing* Who am I kidding about Friday? I'll never manage to write a single word. *pouts*

Congrats to you though, Sarah! You're my inspiration to keep trudging along. You're almost half-way there, so keep up the fabulous work...while Molly and I wallow in our misery and frustration.

I will say, All Hail the Power of the Vixens in 2009! ;-) Yeah, that sounded a bit creepy! *grins*

Sarah Mäkelä said...

Sierra: Thanks! You could still sign up for Nano. ;) As long as you sign up before November 30th, you're good. Then we could have three word count meters going on. Woohoo! That is great about your word count. Congrats to you, too! I'm so thrilled Gracen joined us as well.

Molly: Hang in there! You can still do it! Don't give up the fight. *smiles*

Gracen: Ouch! I hope your son gets to feeling better. Surgery sounds awful. I'm sure you'll be able to get more writing done though! You can do it! Woohoo! You'll probably be beating me by Friday. You will be putting so many words down on the page, it'll be like magic. Thanks for the congrats. I really appreciate that. The past couple of days have been hard on me, so I feel like in some facet that I'm just trying to keep my head barely above water.

All Hail the Year of the Vixens! 2009 baby! Woohoo! I think Vixen Power is great. It's not creepy at all... well, not much at least. *winks*