Hello, I'm Cozy Griffith and this is my first blog although I am already a member of this wicked bunch. I have responded to several of the posted questions, so you guys know a little about me. First I'll tell you some things that you don't know about me and then I'll try my best to thrill you and chill you with a ghost story. I am an aspiring writer and mother of three children. I am fortunate to have a very flexible work schedule, but nonetheless, I usually stay extremely busy. I am a long time friend of Gracen's (since we were 11) and have spent many years writing both my own stories and shared stories with her. I think I was about 6 when I wrote my first book, which was mostly illustrations with crayons and very simple words. I still have it and believe it or not my 6-year-old daughter just started writing her own books. All through junior high and high school, Gracen and I used to write stories back and forth to each other first in letterform and then in story form. Our stories eventually turned into sagas that spanned several generations of our characters. I think it was good practice and helped us both develop our skills as writers. I am currently working on a novel that I have been trying to bring to life for so many years. It started out with a simple idea and for so many years it wouldn't go anywhere. I had a beginning and an ending and that was it. No matter how hard I tried to force the words to come, they wouldn't. I finally set it aside and didn't think about it again for several years. During those years my life was quite chaotic and I didn't have time to even think about my novel. There was no reason to anyway; it had no substance. I just picked it back up this February and have been blazing through it. You see, I met inspiration in human form and finally found a purpose for the novel I had begun. I can't give too many details about my novel, but I will tell you it is a vampire love story that is full of intrigue, deception, awareness and of course, sex. It will be a few more months before its completed, but hopefully soon.
Now that you know a little about me, let me tell you about the picture that I am sending in with this blog. My friend and I spent a wonderful weekend in New Orleans this Fe
bruary. Walking around the French Quarter this time was like seeing it with new eyes. I heard things and felt things that I had never experienced before. I have already alluded to the incident in the bar where a stranger who apparently knew my friend from a former life approached us. Creepy... We visited a tarot reader on Jackson Square who knew things about us that there is no way she could have known. The door of the restaurant in the lobby of our hotel opened and closed on its own. Freaky... On our last morning there we were walking around the Quarter, finishing up last minute shopping and taking pictures. As we walked down Ursilines, we passed a building with a sign that said 'Haunted Hotel on Ursilines'. Just for fun we took 2 pictures. That evening when we got home I uploaded the pictures to my computer so we could all look at them. When we got to those pictures, I zoomed in on the window and behold we could all see a ghost! Thought that was pretty cool. Take a look at the picture and see if you see what we did.
Now that you know a little about me, let me tell you about the picture that I am sending in with this blog. My friend and I spent a wonderful weekend in New Orleans this Fe

I also took a picture of Marie Leveau's Voodoo Shop and it turned out blurry except for the Bourbon Street sign in the middle of it. I thought this was strange, too.
I’d love for you to come friend me at my myspace page here.
Well, that's about all the time I have right now. Hope I did all right, G.
* * * * *
Disclaimer (because we don't have a choice): The views expressed by the guest blogger do not necessarily reflect those of The Deadly Vixens.
Also, don't forget to join Sarah and I at The Literary Nymphs TODAY for a chat from 12pm-6pm EST.
6 deadly screams:
Hi Cozy! Thanks for blogging with us today! We're so excited that you joined us. It was great to learn more about you. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, that's so cool!
Cozy, I would love for you to help me see the ghost in the window. I see reflections of other things but not ghost and I SOOOO want to see it. Please describe in detail where to look and what you see so I can see to.
Exctied to see what you see!
Thanks Sierra. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. We are taking another trip in June with the children and my mother. I'm anxious to see what happens considering my youngest child, T, will be with us. My middle daughter is obsessed with Marie Leveau so we have plans to go to her grave. This could be both interesting and exciting!
Great blog post! I really enjoyed reading about you and your trip to New Orleans. I went there a month or so before Katrina, which was really odd since I'd always wanted to go to New Orleans since I loved the whole French Quarter thing and vampires at that time. (I still love the vamps, but I feel major love for weres, too. ;)) I felt really strongly that it was time to visit, and so did my mom. She went with me down there and then a month or so later there was all of that devastation. I was floored and just in awe.
It was great having you with us! I hope you'll guest blog with us again sometime! :)
Hey, girl! Thank you so much for blogging with us today. You did a great job! Hopefully you can come back in the future. I still look forward to reading your book when you finish it!!! So get to writing! The children do not need your help, let them run wild!! =)
Sarah, like you, my husband and I went to New Orleans right before Katrina hit. It seemed so much more personal having just been there and then knowing and having recently visited some of the spots that had been hit. Strangely, I think New Orleans speaks to many of us. The place intrigues me, talks to me in so many different ways.
I'm sorry Cozy's Marie Leveau's Voodoo Shop picture isn't larger. If any would like a large copy to view, please e-mail me at gracen.miller@yahoo.com and I'll send you the picture to view up close and personal. It is really freaky!
Thanks for your comment. The ghost that we saw in the picture is in the small window on the right on the bottom floor. You will probably have to download the picture and zoom in on the window. If you can't do it from this site, then try going to my myspace and copying it from there. I'll try to magnify the pic and post it on the myspace for you. Thanks, again.
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